Other Programs


Blind Orphanage Computer Center

The Foundation has helped create a Computer center at the orphanage for the deaf and blind in Olongapo. The Foundation has partnered with Ganeshtim to provide software programs that teach and train modern computer training courses. 

To date, the center has been able to send 10 kids from the orphanage to college with their computer training skills.


Portraits of Love

 Every quarter, the Foundation puts together an event to take portraits of kids at the Children’s Hospital of Manila. The event supports more than a hundred terminally ill children suffering from terminal cancer.  The program aims to alleviate some of their grim realities  through art therapy.  It’s a fun-filled day full of smiles and happiness.

​The Foundation is looking to continue to paint murals at tertiary children's cancer wards.


 Operation Hope

The Foundation has helped to provide cleft palate surgeries for the most marginalized of kids.  With the help from doctors & dentists from the Great Ormond Street Hospital of the UK, TPF has been able to restore confidence to these kids and allowing them to go back to school.